Chemistry, asked by khan997599, 5 months ago

When a gold cristallizes , It form FCC cell the unit cell edge length is 408 pm. Calculate the density of gold molar mass of gold is 197 g/mol


Answered by aparnaappu8547


The density of gold is 19.26 g/cm^{3}


The Density = \frac{M*n}{a^{3}* N_{A} }

M = Molar mass of gold = 197 g/mol

n = Number of atoms = 4 for FCC unit cell

a = unit cell edge length = 408 pm = 408*10^{-12} m

N_{A} =  avogadro number = 6.022 * 10^{23}

Density = \frac{197*4}{(408*10^{-12}) ^{3}* 6.022 * 10^{23}}

             = 19266595.39 g/m^{3}

             = 19.26 g/cm^{3}

Therfore the density of gold = 19.26 g/cm^{3}

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