When and why does the speaker sayexult o shores andring o bells?
Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. The speaker says the shores. by which he means the crowds on the shore. should exult or celebrate and ring the church bells because the ship has won an important battle....
It means, the ship is coming into harbor. The day of docking has finally arrived! which can mean a lot to sailing men who have been out at sea for weeks, months, years. This specific line refers to the ruckus on shore, the loved ones so long watching the horizon as the ship comes back home. Can't you just hear the people on the shores exulting, the noise of their happiness and cries of greeting? And maybe the church bells are ringing there on land, or at the very least, the boat's bells. Maybe people are holding hand bells and ringing out their noise, as the sound will travel across that distance greater. Contrast that line, with whoever is telling this tale: the first mate, now captain? He's bringing home the dead body of his leader, there on deck. The happiness of the shores is contrasted with the deadness of our leader. Oh sadness. Oh captain, my captain! A good man has given of himself to bring this ship into port today, and returns home ... dead.