When cities and towns get over populated,
they expand beyond their boundaries and
take the adjoining rural areas within their
fold. This phenomenon is known as
(A) Counter urbanization
(B) Over-urbanization
(C) Migration
(D) Sub-urbanization
urban sprawl, also called sprawl or suburban sprawl, the rapid expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns, often characterized by low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the private automobile for transportation.
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urban sprawl | Definition, Examples, Problems, Causes, & Alternatives
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What is it called when people move out of cities and into rural areas?
What is it called when people move from the countryside to the city in large numbers?
What term refers to the growth of cities and the migration of people into them is called urbanization?
What is the growth of cities called?
Why do cities expand?
How do cities expand?
What influences the location and growth of cities?
D) Sub Urbanization
When people from adjoining rural areas move to cities, the cities and the towns get overpopulated and expand beyond their defined boundaries. This process is known as suburbanization. Suburbanization can be characterized by
- An increase in the urban use of land as rural land is put to more urban uses such as opening marketplaces, roads, schools, malls, etc.
- Including the nearby rural or village areas in the municipal limits of towns and cities
- Economic changes in form of change of demographics of BPL, APL people
- Changing patterns of communication.