English, asked by sheronishan28, 15 days ago

When companies study the possibility of moving to the Cloud, they often perceive that security is a roadblock to making things happen quickly. What should Accenture tell a client about their capabilities?


Answered by kanikapandit0212


There are none, because there are no such things as “fundamental rights.” The United States of America has a Constitution that speaks of “inalienable rights,” “all men are created equal” and “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And yet in any or all of those, what right does a baby in a womb in America have, of even being born? (And not be aborted? None.) What right do its citizens have to not be victims of earthquakes or other violent attacks? (None, actually.) Nowhere does a guarantee exist for clean air, clean water or clean food. Whatever; none, no, nada.

What you’re probably asking about would be goals for the country and its citizens and guests to strive for, as basic conditions within reach of everyone within our borders. Let us put aside the personal appetites of 323 million selves long enough to decide which wishes will become goals to someday be “rights.”

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