When configuring a new API method in API Gateway using the Mock integration type, which configuration setting requires no changes?
Possible Answers=
Integration Response
Integration Request
Method Response
Method Request
Answer:When configuring a new API method in API Gateway using the Mock integration type, which configuration setting requires no changes?
Integration Response
Correct answer.
Integration Response is correct
concept :
API developers can use the mock integration capability to generate API answers directly from API Gateway, eliminating the need for an integration backend. You can utilize this functionality as an API developer to unblock dependent teams that need to work with an API before the project is finished.
Find :
which configuration setting requires no changes.
Solution :
The backend response is encapsulated in an integration response, which is an HTTP response. The backend response for an HTTP endpoint is an HTTP response. The backend-returned status code can be used in the integration response status code, and the backend-returned payload can be used in the integration response body.
Hence, When configuring a new API method in API Gateway integration response configuration needs no changes.