Chemistry, asked by mayankhumbal, 4 months ago

When considering electrophilic
aromatic substitution reactions
electron withdrawing substituents
(e.g. nitro) are described as...


Answered by vickygaikwad1417


Pi Acceptor Groups Are Strongly Deactivating

Examples are NO2, carbonyl groups (C=O), sulfonyl, cyano (CN) among others. These groups are universally deactivating, slowing the rate of electrophilic aromatic substitution

Answered by swethassynergy

When considering electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions

electron withdrawing substituents (e.g. nitro) are described as deactivating groups


  • Electrophiles are electron-deficient species. These species are found to attack the benzene ring, due to the presence of pi-electron clouds above and below the plane of the benzene ring.
  • If benzene molecule has electron-withdrawing groups like nitro, due to their -I effect, they tend to pull the electron density from the benzene ring, making it electron deficient.
  • Hence, the reactivity of the benzene ring decreases towards an electrophile.
  • Such groups are termed deactivating groups.
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