When did Ausable expect to get the report? did max know about it
Ausable was an intelligent spy. When he found Max waiting for him in his room, he made a story of a balcony under his window. He convinced Max about the balcony. And thus, when someone knocked at the door, Max fearing it to be the police, jumped out of the window and died.
Ausable works as a secret agent. He has been given an important task. He is in possession of an important paper pertaining to some new missiles. The paper has the potential to change the course of history. It is so vital that several men and women have risked their lives to obtain it. Max, himself a secret agent, arrives to take them from Ausable's room.
Ausable botched a story. He informed Max that a balcony was just below his window. He informed him that the balcony was a part of the following room. When the waiter knocked, Ausable informed Max that it was the police. Max was tense. He climbed through the window to the balcony. But there was no balcony outside. He collapsed and died.
Ausable works as a secret agent. He has been given an important task. He is in possession of an important paper pertaining to some new missiles. The paper has the potential to change the course of history. It is so vital that several men and women have risked their lives to obtain it. Max, himself a secret agent, arrives to take them from Ausable's room.