English, asked by shivu290, 1 year ago

When did Daoism start?


Answered by Anonymous
Heya user!

In 6 century daoism starts.

2Shashank1111: Hii ..
2Shashank1111: Nice to meet u
Answered by nyaosiemo27


4th Century (500 BCE)


  • Daoism was an indigenous Chinese philosophy and religion which traces its origin to the in the 4th Century (500 BCE).
  • That is to say that Daoism shaped Chinese life for over 2,000 years. The philosophy and religion have the following characteristics,
  • First, it has an active and positive attitude towards the metaphysical, which is made up of the theories of the nature of reality.
  • China, through the philosophy and religion of Daoism, spread to all Asian cultures since their early contacts.

#answerwithquality & #BAL

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