History, asked by emilyjnunez, 7 months ago

When did it happen on the code of hammurabis


Answered by yuvrajsharma8108


Capital punishment is used as a punitive measure in the majority of the US states. Clearly, this type of punishment is used to respond to the most severe crimes.

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At present, people living in different countries also struggle to ban the capital punishment. More and more countries are abolishing the death penalty. The American society is also divided into two camps as some citizens are strongly against it while others advocate this type of punishment. It is necessary to trace the history of the capital punishment as well as roots of the American legal system (in this respect) to understand why the debate is going on and which party will, eventually, win the lasting dispute in the USA.

It is possible to note that capital punishment is one of the most ancient types of punitive measures as ancient civilizations introduced it. The American legal system is rooted in the European law, which, in its turn, is based on Hammurabi’s Code and Mosaic Law. These two legal systems are seen as some of the oldest in the history of humanity.

The Hammurabi’s Code dates back to the 18th century BC. It was a Babylonian code of law and it was inscribed on numerous stone steles as well as clay tablets. According to this law code, the major goal of punishment was to make the criminal an example and deter others from committing serious crimes (Goel, 2008). In other words, people sought for a proportionate measure to punish any crime and capital punishment seemed an adequate measure for a murder.

The Mosaic Law (or the Code of Moses) is very similar to the Babylonian code of laws. Since it dates back to approximately 2nd century BC, it is possible to assume that it is based or partially grounded on the Code of Hammurabi. At any rate, the Mosaic Law appears in the Old Testament and it also included severe punitive measures.

As regards the capital punishment, the laws say  shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth” (as cited in Balmer, 2008, p. 784). Therefore, retributive justice has been the norm for people since ancient times. Hebrew civilization followed these norms and never questioned their morality.

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These principles reigned in the western society in the Middle Ages up to the twentieth century. Greek and Roman legal systems were based on the two codes and, in their turn, influenced development of legal system of all made the religion very different from the codes of laws mentioned above.


Answered by bayirgamlin


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