English, asked by varunbodhi, 3 months ago

When did time begin?

Did we invent math or did we discover it?

Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?

How long will you be remembered after the day that you die?

Which orange came first – the fruit or the color?

Who decided what’s right and wrong?

Please say you guesses ​


Answered by swatiyadav10


  • approximately 14 billion years ago
  • Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented.
  • It doesn't go anywhere because it never existed to begin with. It was only a transient pattern of electrochemical flashes. When it's gone, it's gone.
  • Realistically, as long as the last person that remembers you will live. In the present day, assuming they're 10 years old and remember you for the entirety of their lives while having the rough maximum possible lifespan (125 years), the last real memory of you will die in 115 years.
  • Given the exoticism of the orange fruit, you could be forgiven that the colour came first as it naturally occurs independent of the fruit such as in sunsets or leaves in autumn. Orange actually comes from the Old French word for the citrus fruit - 'pomme d'orenge' - according to the Collins dictionary.
  • Many years ago I started out on a quest to answer that very question. I could only find one book that had all the answers (Holy Bible) why that one book you ask? cause its the only ONE!!! there no other religious book out there but the Holy Bible. That sure made things easy for me, it just came down to……accepting the one religious book in the world vs me doing whatever I felt like doing. Actually that was a tough choice, hard to give up allow ones feelings to control us rather then doing the right thing. Ones imagination can run wild with temptation of wishing that one book did not exist so I would be free to live a life of unaccountable lawlessness.
  • That is main theme of the bible 1. live by the Holy Laws of God vs Live like the devil a life of pride and moral lawlessness.
  • Here is a post I just read, very interesting from an Old school atheist, he actually made some great points but if you noticed he never dared try and answer the question you asked Who defines right and wrong? Right and wrong can only be defined by a transcendent arbitrator, that has give clear instructions in how we ought to treat each other. If it comes from human origins, how can one man dictate to another? by way of force? Might makes right but if you want to have free will, that is the thing to fear the most about Father God, he will allow a person to reject him with out protest/bulling them. Unlike most atheist God is a God of love. Love is patient, Kind and longsuffering. So right from wrong is following Rules God lade out vs following moral relativism and that ashiest made a great point……He considers himself God of his life. Well check out his post below it was only interesting atheist post I ever read. PS I know God and God is a friend of my and dear MR. Atheist your not God!
  • I’m a old school atheist, we do not make supernatural knowledge claims nor embark on religious ideologies. These new age progressives have turned atheism into a modern day religion.
  • Back in the day when some punk progressive would ask me “where did the original matter and energy come from needed to create the whole universe” I would say I do not know, no one does!” then when the kept up with that crazy liberal talk “claiming matter and energy appeared from nothing” meaning you can get something from nothing—-I would say “that is a supernatural-claim-definition and your not a atheist anymore but a religious person”.
  • Sciences is a very disciplined vocation and they follow laws of sciences, a few of them are: “you can not get something from nothing and all true sciences must be repeatable, observable, producing emperical evidences. If you can not repeat nor observe matter appear out of nothing beyond a half-baked theory about black holes, mulitie universes orbs etc……For God sake, your up to your chin in religious dogma and should just go join a church where they deal in faith based utilities. Math doenst lie just people lie about the math.
  • As an atheist or agnostic, how do you answer the big 4? How did I get here, why am I here, how do I know objective right from wrong, and where do I go when I die?
  • hehe.... here is ur ans,....
Answered by aman12587


the time begin in before 500 yeara ago

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