Social Sciences, asked by anu628, 1 year ago

when does a hazard leads to disaster


Answered by BrainlyPrincess
a disaster occur when the impact of a hazard on a section of society is such that the people are unable to cope with that event causing death,injury,loss of property and economic loss.
Answered by maroof1
A disaster for FEMA is when the president declares a disaster. Each disaster has one or more hazards. Hazards are either man made or natural. Natural disasters that are most frequently declared are Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Mudslides, Severe Storms and Earthquakes and Tsunami. A hurricane can have wind, flood, storm surge, tornadoes and man made hazards like a plant that floods and loses power and then blows up. In Hurricane Harvey, the hazards depended on where you were located. Some areas had primarily wind damage, while others had primarily flooding damage and some areas had both plus tornadoes and man made hazard damage too.

In a declared disaster the state & local governments and communities ability to manage, respond and recover are overcome and unless the federal government intervenes, that community or groups of communities economies may never recover.

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