Geography, asked by sanketnjadhav9361, 1 year ago

When it is noon at

Mumbai, it wouldn’t be the same at Kolkata.

Because Kolkata lies to the east of Mumbai, it

would already be afternoon in Kolkata. explanation.


Answered by anonymous6338

Both the cities, and the Indian Subcontinent (Main Land and it's islands) follow the Indian Standard time (IST) as the Same standard.

So it would be same

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Answered by mannahemant34


There is no time difference between Mumbai and Kolkata as per Indian Standard Time (IST). But read further to know the actual time difference.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) marks the starting point of every time zone in the World and longitude passing through respective country are used for representation of time. India adopted 82°30'E as standard meridian. The time at this meridian calculated with respect to GMT is called Indian Standard Time. The time difference between GMT & IST is 5.30 Hours.

The Sun rises from east and sets in the west. This apparent movement is caused by rotation of earth from west to east. Kolkata is on East side and Mumbai is on West side. Hence we know that Sun rises early in the Kolkata than Mumbai. Let's calculate actual time difference.

Take the case of Mumbai (72°54'E) & Kolkata (88°24'E). Each 1° longitude covered in 4 minutes.

So longitudinal difference between two cities are (88°24' - 72°54 = 15°30').

Hence actual time difference between Mumbai & Kolkata is (15°30'X4) = 62 minutes

This means that in reality, Sun rises 62 minutes later at Mumbai than Kolkata.

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