When ministers resign, who continues to conduct the day to day affairs of governance?
When ministers resign, direct charge is taken by the prime minister at the time , if this happens abruptly. However, if this doesn't happen on a short notice, the correct way is of selecting another minister through general elections. Whoever that new minister may be, goes through the formal electoral process and then is in-charge of handling the day to day affairs of governance.
When ministers resign, PRIME MINISTER continues to conduct the day to day affairs of the governance. Formally when minister resigns, he has to give a formal notice to Prime minister who acknowledges and forward to President. After which Prime Minister appoints new candidate among the members of the Parliament or if minister is not a member of the Parliament then he has to become a member of Parliament within 6 months from the date of appointment as a minister.
After Minister is appointed he/she conducts the day to day affairs of the governance.