Science, asked by sudha2162, 6 months ago

when moist wind goes down what will happen​


Answered by rameshpol443


Evaporation occurs when water changes from its liquid form to its vapor form. In this way, water transfers from both the land and water masses to the atmosphere. Approximately 80 percent of evaporation occurs over the oceans, with the balance occurring over inland water bodies, plant surfaces and on land. Both humidity and wind speed affect the rate of evaporation.

Wind Speed

The speed at which air flows over the surface of water affects the rate at which the water evaporates. As the wind blows, it sweeps away airborne water particles that are in the air. The humidity of the air in the region of this evaporation is reduced, which allows more water molecules to dissipate into the air. Wind can also change the vapor pressure by moving air about rapidly, thereby causing it to expand. This process creates room for extra water vapor and evaporation will continue to occur while the wind is blowing.

Relative Humidity

Relative humidity refers to the amount of water in the air, as a fraction of the total amount the air can hold, when it is saturated. Once the air reaches 100 percent relative humidity, it is no longer able to hold water, which then condenses out of the atmosphere. The amount of humidity in the air directly affects the speed at which water will evaporate. Water vapor in the air therefore varies significantly by location.

Partial Pressure

Partial pressure influences the effects of wind speed and relative humidity on evaporation. The partial pressure of water in the air relates to the amount of water that is contained in the air. When a water molecule that returned to water replaces a water molecule that evaporated, evaporation stops, regardless of wind or relative humidity.

Surface Area and Temperature

Temperature and the surface area of the water also influence the effects of wind speed and relative humidity. Water molecules are more exposed to air and more influenced by wind speed and relative humidity, the more a body of water is spread out. Water temperature affects how quickly the water particles move. A water molecule that is moving very quickly is more likely to burst from the water surface into the air. Air, being a gas, expands at higher temperatures. Warm air is therefore capable of holding more water than cold air.


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How Does Water Enter the Earth's Atmosphere?

Updated April 24, 2017

By Sarah Cairoli

Earth's water is constantly transitioning through the hydrologic cycle. Several natural processes cause water to change states from solid to liquid to gas. When water becomes a gas, it enters the atmosphere in one of three different ways.


When water is heated to its boiling point, it becomes water vapor and enters the atmosphere. Energy from the sun causes water to warm and evaporate. A large amount of the water in clouds in the atmosphere comes from water that evaporated from the ocean and eventually condensed in the upper atmosphere. However, water can evaporate from soil and other surfaces as well.


About 10% of the water in the atmosphere is the result of transpiration, a process in which water vapor is released by plant leaves, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Plant roots draw water from the soil. Some of this water is released into the atmosphere as vapor when small openings in the leaves, called stomata, open during photosynthesis.


Sublimation involves the transition of water from its solid state directly into its gaseous state, without a liquid phase in between. Ice typically changes directly into water vapor at high altitudes, where humidity is relatively low, dry winds are present and sunshine is abundant.


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