When numbers are written in English, the number of letters in a number is equal to the value of the number. what is the number?
When numbers are written in English, the number of letters in a number is equal to the value of the number. what is the number?
FOUR is the number name in which number of letters are equal to that numeral.
4 => FOUR
=> (1-2-3-4)
There are 4 letters in the number name of 4 which equals to that number.
Hence, the required answer to this question is FOUR.
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Hiii Mate..!
Step-by-step explanation:
- (1–2–3–4).
And since this answer was so short, I’ll give you a bonus fact: do you know how long it takes, counting upward from one, to find a number whose written name contains the letter “a?”
You won’t get there until 1000.
That’s right: numbers one through nine hundred ninety-nine do not contain an “a.”