When performing regression or classification, which of the following is the correct
way to preprocess the data?
When performing regression or classification, which of the following is the correct way to preprocess the data? Explanation: You need to always normalize the data first. If not, PCA or other techniques that are used to reduce dimensions will give different results. 16.
Normalize the data-PCA-> training performing regression or classification, is the correct way to preprocess the data.
Need to always normalize the data first. If not, PCA or other techniques that are used to reduce dimensions will give different results.
Because PCA is a variance-maximizing activity, normalisation is crucial. It reprojects your original data in a way that maximises variance. The first plot below shows the amount of total variance explained in the different principal components where we have not normalized the data. The Normalize the data-PCA-> training performing regression or classification, is the correct way to preprocess the data.