English, asked by jayprabhalad, 1 month ago

When shoes were first made, they were made flat without a heel. Since normal walking requires that the heel of the foot should strike the ground before the toes, these early shoes used to wear out quickly at the heel, prompting shoemakers to reinforce the heel, and so creating heeled shoes. Women have been wearing high-heeled shoes for centuries in the pursuit of fashion. However, regularly wearing shoes with high heels can be hazardous. The biggest risk, perhaps, is losing your balance and breaking an ankle. Wearing high heels interferes with your normal gait. They throw your weight forward, making it difficult to sustain upright balance. They force you to use a lot of extra muscular effort to keep from falling forward. Much of this extra effort is concentrated in the lower back arch, which can lead to back pain. Experts warn that high heels can also result in a variety of foot problems, including metatarsalgia, which is pain in the ball of the foot. Another condition called Morton's neuroma, which is 10 times more common in women than men, is caused by the thickening of tissue around a nerve between the third and fourth toes. It usually envelops in response to imitation and excessive pressure, such as the burden of weight high heels place on the ball of the foot. However, if one cannot resist wearing 'heels, the following tips can help to keep your feet healthy. this paragrph summary writing?​


Answered by 31aliahmedzahidshaik


Our feet haul us through thousands of steps per day. Yet we cram them into pointy pumps, pound them on the pavement, and often tend to them last when it comes to self-care.

A 2014 survey shows that 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problem — defined as everything from an ingrown toenail to chronic foot pain. And depending on how long that foot problem lasts, it could potentially impact one’s overall quality of life and health. If you’ve got foot pain or even a minor skin irritation, you’re more likely to shirk exercise, for example.

Essentially, if your feet fall behind, so do you.

“They keep us ambulatory,” says podiatrist Michael J. Trepal, the vice president for academic affairs and dean at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. “People unable to move about suffer numerous physical, psychological, and social afflictions as a direct or indirect result of foot dysfunction.”

Even if you’re known among your friends as having dainty Cinderella feet, or the tall gal who jokingly refers to her feet as skis, foot health is critical. “It is not simply how they look but how they work that matters most,” Trepal says.

Learn more about the proper soles, hygiene, and other lifestyle choices to give your feet the support they’ve been giving you.

10 easy ways to treat your feet right and pain-free

Be a good friend to your feet by avoiding these harmful habits:

Foot health 101

Don’t wear too-tight shoes.

Don’t share shoes.

Don’t share pedicure utensils with your pals.

Don’t hide discolored nails with polish. Let them breathe and treat the underlying issue.

Don’t shave calluses.

Don’t perform “DIY surgery” on an ingrown nail.

Do try the Legs-Up-the-Wall yoga pose after a long day or a hard workout.

Do give yourself a foot massage or book a reflexology session.

Do roll a tennis ball under your feet.

Do soothe irritation with a vinegar foot soak.

Answered by vaibhavdantkale65


I have been asked many times, “Who was first?” When we were within reach of the summit, I did not think of who was going to be “first.” I am sure that Hillary was not thinking that. Climbing takes all your attention. You have many more important worries.

What does it matter whether I reached the top first or Hillary? Our main thought was that both of us reach the top. We had to. One couldn’t do it alone.

If there had been a difference of one thousand feet between us, then one could make the claim that he was first. But even then, only the man behind him could confirm the distance between the two of them.

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