English, asked by yadavsuhani634, 2 months ago

when the furniture went mad. Q1. what was Mr Hall's reaction on seeing the stranger's clothes and bandages lying scattered? Q2. 'When they entered the room again, a strange thing happened; what strange thing is being spoken about in the above sentence? Q3. Why did Mr and Mrs Hall turn pale with fright? Q4. What had happened to Mrs Hall's furniture? Q5. Who were called to hold a discussion about the 'stranger'?​


Answered by apeksha160

The Furniture went mad.


Ans 1.The Halls had a very early morning wake-up since they were getting ready for the Club festival. To dilute the beer, Mr. Hall returned upstairs and got some sarsaparilla. Even though he was certain that he had properly fastened the main entrance the previous night, he was shocked to see it open. Later, he discovered that the stranger's door was likewise open and that the room was empty.His clothes snd bandages were lying here andvthere. Mr. Hall was surprised and confused as to what had become of the stranger.

Ans 2) When Mrs. Hall entered the stranger's room, she noticed that the bed was cold and unmade, and that all of his belongings were strewn around the space carelessly. There was no sign of the visitor.

The sheets gathered themselves and sprang over the bottom rail while the couple was deliberating their next move. Then the stranger's cap leaped up and sprinted in the direction of Mrs. Hall's face. As the other objects began to come to life, the couple was then attacked by the furniture. Mrs. Hall was driven out of the room by a chair that leaped into the air. She passed out and said that the Stranger had placed spirits inside her furniture, which had suddenly seemed to come to life.

Ans 3) Mr. and Mrs. Hall turned pale as in the stranger's room, suddenly the sheets got themselves together and sprang over the bottom rail while the couple was debating what to do next. Then the unknown man's cap sprung up and sprinted toward Mrs. Hall's face. The other objects also began to come to life, and the furniture then began to assault the couple. Mrs. Hall was knocked out of the room by an airborne chair. She passed out and charged the Stranger with imbuing spirits into her furnishings, which had looked to suddenly spring to life.

Ans 4) The furniture and other objects in the stranger's room started attacking the couple

Ans 5) The inventive blacksmith, Mr. Sandy Wadgers, is requested by the Halls. Along for the ride were Mr. Huxter and his trainee. They hesitated to walk into the stranger's room.

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