When the nozzle angle is 30 degree, then the optimum blade speed ratio for a reaction turbine will be?
The nozzle outlet angle a, beside the velocity ratio
v and the degree of reaction p, belongs to the main
design parameters which together with cascade loss
coefficients determine the turbine stage
efficiency. The nozzle outlet angle a, affects the
stage flow kinetics, cascade losses, stage leaving loss
and even the leakage losses, though in an indirect way.
The relation between the stage efficiency and the
nozzle outlet angle is so complicated that the
analytical expression for the optimum value of the
angle a, cannot be obtained (Lewenberg, 1976).
Therefore the angle a, is very often determined by
means of numerical calculations during the optimization
of stage design parameters. The results of such
optimizations are usually presented as a function of
nondimensional factors (Belie and Binsley,1963;
Bojko,1980 and 1982; Lewenberg,1976; Duncombe,1964;
Shubienko-Shubin,1976), hut the authors use different
relations for the loss coefficients, different
simplifications and different nondimensional stage
parameters. Therefore it is very difficult to obtain
general relations for determining the value of angle a,
in a particular design task.
The values of angle a, applied earlier were greater,
but with the growth of initial steam pressure (the
decrease of volume steam flow) and with the coming into
use of better modern profiles, the lower values of
nozzle outlet angles became widely used, although the
results of some experimental investigations gave no
grounds for such an approach (Dejc and Troianowskij,
1973). The experimental results of the influence of the
nozzle outlet angle on the cascade losses
(Sobolev,1966; Dejc and Trojanovskij,1973) and on the
turbine stage efficiency (Pshenitchnyj,1964, 1966 and
1970) are very seldom presented in bibliography.
According to the bibliographical data it is possible to
determine the range of angles a, used in turbine stages
from about 12 0 to about 25-30° or more. Lower values
a,=8-10° are exceptionally used in steam turbines.
Usually the angle a, is determined by taking into
account similar turbines.
The data and opinions that the optimum angle a,
depends on such parameters as volume flow rate