when the subjugation of one country boy
another leads to political economie social
and cultural changes, we refer to the proces
The Scorces to know orbrout colonial India
2. Unothical record
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Dates help us in finding out how things were in the past, and how things change over time.
Earlier, history was an account of battles and big events, such as:
the year some king was crowned
the year he was married and had a child
the year he fought a particular war or battle
the year he died
the year the next ruler succeeded to the throne
To the people connected or close to kings, those dates were important. But the concept and study of history has changed now, and more emphasis is given to why things happen and not only on when they happen.
Which Dates Become Important?
We choose to write history around some dates, and then those dates become important. This happens because people focus on some major events (wars, for example) that they believe are important. But with time, a new set of events might come into focus, and new dates become important.
Also, histories written by and about British Governor Generals do not give us a correct picture of the status and everyday activities of ordinary Indians. So history is actually very different for different people.
How is the Past Divided in Periods?
In 1817, James Mill of England, in his book 'A History of British India', divided Indian history into three parts:
The Hindu period
The Muslim period
The British period
To improve upon this narrow classification, Indian historians usually divide Indian history into:
Ancient history
Medieval history (the time between the ancient and modern periods)
Modern history (associated with modern forces such as reason, science, liberty, democracy, and equality)
What is Colonial?
The British came to India, established their rule, subjugated the local nawabs and rajas, collected revenue to meet their expenses, bought goods they wanted at low prices, and made huge profits by selling them around the world.
That rule brought about changes in Indian values, tastes, customs and practices.
This process of subjugation of one country by another that leads to political, economic, social, and cultural changes is called colonisation.
When we say the British colonised India, we mean that India was the Britain’s colony, or that India was under British colonial rule.