Computer Science, asked by praveenasspark, 9 months ago

When used in the project, which four are automatically included when you build an Enterprise archive?


Answered by renu51622


You can build an enterprise archive file using a TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio dialog, and also using a command-line utility.

For deployment using TIBCO Administrator, the configuration Name field value must match the project name. The project does not deploy if they are different. The actual EAR file name, however, can differ from the configuration name.

Certain files (and folder names) are excluded from the EAR. To maintain the list of exclusions, in TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio, select Window > Preferences > TIBCO BusinessEvents > Code Generation > Ignored Resources.

Note: Do not store the EAR file in a project folder, because this will include the previous EAR file when you build the EAR file again, needlessly increasing the size.

EAR File Encoding

The default encoding of the EAR files generated by TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio is ISO8859-1. This is also the default encoding of TIBCO Administrator. To upload an EAR file to TIBCO Administrator, the EAR file encoding must match the TIBCO Administrator encoding.

To change the default EAR file encoding, define a global variable named MessageEncoding and set its value to the desired encoding. For example, UTF-8.

EAR Files and the Studio Tools Utility

You can build an EAR file with the Studio Tools command-line utility. The buildear operation within the studio-tools utility is useful for automation purposes, for example, in testing environments.

By default, the EAR files are built in memory. The compiler does not use the file system during code generation. Instead, the Studio JVM is used to load all the Java classes and resources into memory until the build process is completed. You can choose to use the file-system based compiler to build EAR files by setting the appropriate options.

Before you build an EAR file during hot deployment of the new concept and concept properties, make sure to add the following property in the studio-tools.tra file:

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