When was Sudha Murty born and when was she died?
Sudha Murthy was born on 19th August 1950 and is known as a social worker, philanthropist and author.
She also has a remarkable career as a computer engineer and computer scientist.
She is still alive at the age of 67 years.
Also, she is a chairperson of the Infosys Foundation and is a member of public health initiatives that are known as Gates foundation.
Born in 19 August 1950 and she was still alive
His parents are R.H Kulkarni and Vimla Kulkarni. Sudha Murty was born on 19 August 1950 in Karnataka. She is growing by parents. she was completed in BE in Electrical engineering KLE Technological University. She was Gold Medalist by CM of Karnataka. She is a Social Activist. She is also the author of many books. She is alive and 69 Years old.