When we click a selfie in our phone why does the image formed in the phone is not virtuallly inverted
When we click a selfie the image is always formed virtual and erect
The selfie craze has taken over everyone from actors to prime minister of India and there's a good reason why you might obsess over it: It's in your head.
Sometimes you're feeling at the top of your hair game and want to snap a picture. But the moment you take a look, you're taken aback and confused: Is that what you really look like? Well, that all has to do with the psychology of perception. We're used to seeing our reflection in the mirror, and our brains have trained us to recognize that image. But some photo apps and front cam flip that image and show your face the way others see it — and that can be disorienting.
The primary purpose of the front-facing camera is to use it as a mirror or to make video calls with (so it makes sense to treat it as a mirror as it would be disorienting if it didn't). If you're actually taking pictures, 99.99% of the time you'll be using the rear facing camera.
But if you take a picture with it, it does treat it like a normal camera (so the images flips).
The strangeness of seeing your face flipped also comes from the fact that our faces are not perfectly symmetrical. In fact, if you take two halves of your face and replicate them, you can end up with very different versions.
As Nikunj Bhatiya rightly explained this by giving the Abraham Lincolns image.