When we pay our tax in time and obey the laws for fulfilling our demands from system but it is call
The moral obligation to obey the law, or as it is generally called, political obligation, is a moral requirement to obey the laws of one’s country. Traditionally, this has been viewed as a require-ment of a certain kind, to obey the law for the “content-independent” reason that it is the law, as opposed to the content of particular laws. In characterizing this as a moral requirement, theorists distinguish political obligation from legal obligation. All legal systems claim to bind people sub-ject to them; part of what we mean by a valid law is that the relevant population is required to obey it. This requirement is generally supported by coercion, while those who do not obey are subject to sanctions. But theseaspects of legal obligation leave open more ultimate questions about the state’s justification for imposing such requirements. Unless citizens have moral re-quirements to obey the law, they may be forced to do so, but in compelling obedience, the state is acting unjustly and impinging on their freedom.
inputs demands