When you attempt to share your best score with another player, you receive a 'share successful' notification. However, when you check the second player's account you can see that no scores have actually been shared. This bug has the following severity:
Video games retain a major share of software products in the market. Owing to the huge supply and demand.
So it is obvious that gaming industry is under constant innovation and is becoming more complex. So does the game testing industry. Whether it is a computer or mobile games, all go through the rigorous testing procedure before it reaches to the user.
Developing a ‘noteworthy’ game can be a critical task – game designers, writers, visual artists, sound designers, testers, and much more should cooperate to make the authentic game.
Bug in video games
A bug report contains device logs, stack traces, and other diagnostic information to help you find and fix bugs in your app.
Games are made by people and people are not perfect. Problems occur because programmers have made mistakes in the code they write. Both can cause the game to create error ,but a bug is caused by a programming mistake while a glitch is caused by some physical issue with the components.
6 steps of debugging :-
A. Find a scenario that in 100% of cases triggers the bug.
B. Use tools to find a place in the code that is responsible for it.
C. Use tools to find out what is going on there.
D. Fix it.
E. Use tools to find out if it looks okay now.
F. Test it in the game.