When you drink milk with sugar dissolved in it which component of the milk is absorbed first?
At high temperature sugar melt down and convert into liquid.
In hot milk it get easily converted to liquid and mix with the milk while in case of cold milk it takes time to dissolve as the heat produce by stirring the milk lead to mixing of sugar in milk.
I don't think that in cold milk it dissolve more uniformly.
You can try it again and it's better if you observe the result by sensory and also by seeing the residual sugar at the bottom.
There is a lot of starch which changes its structure if subjected to hot liquids. Even custard follows the same principal. It is advised that these powders are mix in room temperature water or lukewarm water/liquid and stirred to avoid formation of lumps. If powder forms lumps, taste does not remain uniform and your observation is correct.
calcium and protein ......,........