When you shell peas, you sometimes see tiny green living things inside the pod.Which of four stages of life cycle of an insect are they?
This group contains more different species of damaging caterpillars than any other. Some feed only on the foliage, or only on fruit, while others feed on both. For the purposes of this manual, it is not practical to cover in detail all of the more important damaging species. The corn earworm has been selected as an example.
The corn earworm is also known as the cotton bollworm, tomato fruitworm, false tobacco budworm, and soybean podworm. It varies from light green to almost black and has a yellow stripe along each side of the body.
The caterpillar (worm) stage can last from 14 to 21 days but during the summer it will be nearer to 14 days. The entire life cycle (egg to adult) lasts approximately 30 days so there may be 2 to 3 complete generations each year.
- The tadpole stage of the insect is the small pod like structure is living inside the Pod.
- They are larval stage. They are found inside the peas shell.
- They appear there since they need the peas to eat to survive.
- These insect has four stage includes egg, larva, pupa and adult.
- They are basically the greenish or white in colour and the length varies from 15 to 20 mm and hence they could easily move inside the shell.
To know more;
What are the stages in life cycle of an insect
When you shell peas,you sometimes see tiny green living things inside the pod.Which of the four stages of the life cycle of insect of an insect are they?