where are Portia and bassanio ? What possession does Portia want to transfer to bassanio
Hover for more information. Portia shows she is more fond of Bassanio than the other two suitors when she advises him to wait a day or two before making his choice of the three caskets. She says this because she wants him to choose the right one and become her spouse.
Hover for more information. Portia shows she is more fond of Bassanio than the other two suitors when she advises him to wait a day or two before making his choice of the three caskets. She says this because she wants him to choose the right one and become her spouse.
Explanation: Portia is asking Bassanio to go ahead with the choice of the casket. She is not very happy as she is anxious about the outcome. She wants to enjoy his ' company at least for a month or so, but if he makes a wrong choice, he'll have to leave her.