Where are salivary glands located in human state the role of saliva in digestion of food?
the salivary glands are located under the tongue and at the side of the ears in the human body. The major role of saliva as an enzyme as it digests the sucrose to maltose in the presence of maltase and secondly it helps to bind the food pieces together to form a bolus which is a soft ball like structure which is more easy to intake than directly eat it without chewing.
In humans there are three pairs of salivary glands are present. they are situated outside the buccal cavity includes threeglands include partoid gland submandibular gland and sublingual gland
Parotid gland near ear
Submandibular near junction of upper and lower jaw
Sub lingual below tongue.
Secretion of salivary gland includes salivary amylase, lysozyme , mucus, thiocynates few ions ,IgA anti body .
Salivary amylase is starch digesting enzyme