Math, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Where are we living, why are we living here. what is the meaning of life​


Answered by Anonymous

First let me do a bit of semantic analysis: Words and other symbols have “meaning”. Objects, events, processes (such as life) do not have “meaning” but they can have a purpose or a function in a larger context. So if you don’t mind too much, I’d like to suggest another way to put your question, What is the purpose of life, why do we live?

To understand the purpose of anything, we have to examine what it does in the larger context in which it exists. A part of a machine will only be understood in the context of the machine it works in. What does life do? It takes in energy. For example, a person who eats three meals a day every day for 80 years takes in tons of energy in the form of food, water, and air. In addition, that person will take in billions of electron volts of energy in the form of sensory impressions. Now we have a picture of the human being as a destination point for a wide variety of energies in various forms. The amount of food, water and air that person takes in is far greater than the amount of the same stuff it is made of at any one moment in its life. So we see the person not as an object but as a convergence of energy.

That energy which comes in doesn’t just disappear, it comes out transformed: waste, water vapor, carbon dioxide, heat, motion and a spectrum of energy that we do not know about but is very real. So we are transformers of energy. There is only one aspect of energy which can change, and that is the frequency of its vibrations, so we are transducers of cosmic energy. That is what we do, that is what we are, that is why we exist.

Now let’s examine the larger context in which we perform this function, existence as a whole. Existence is nothing but energy. Energy vibrates. Energy is timeless (energy cannot be created or destroyed, 1st law of T.D.) so what could our purpose be in such a vibratory, energetic reality? Our existence is inevitable in much the same way that oxygen and hydrogen, given the right conditions, inevitably form water molecules. So we must take that into account when regarding our purpose as transducers of cosmic energy, that we are as inevitable a feature of existence as any other feature.

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