where can i find scrub jay bird in india
California Scrub-Jays are fond of sunflower seeds and peanuts at feeders. If you have dense shrubs or small trees in your yard, a pair might build a nest. Find out more about what this bird likes to eat and what feeder is best by using the Project FeederWatch Common Feeder Birds bird list.
Attractive jay of oak woodlands, dry scrublands, and mixed pine-oak. Royal blue above with gray-brown back and light grayish underparts. Flight style is often distinctive, a series of quick wingbeats followed by a stiff glide. Typically in small groups. Listen for scratchy, nasal calls. Regularly visits backyards and feeders. Most similar to Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay (and once considered the same species), but usually separable by range. Also note California Scrub-Jay is darker and more richly colored, with a more obvious blue breast band.