where can you located the following structure in plants?(I) Bulliform cells (ii) Hydathodes (iii) perianth (iv) verticillasters.
Hey Mate here is ur answer :-
❇ Bulliform cells are present in Leaves .Especially Monocot .
❇ Hydathodes are Present In margins of Leaf .useful for Guttation .
❇ Perianth is Found in family of Liliaceae .
❇ Verticellaster is a inflorescence.
Hope it helps u ☺❤
1.Bulliform cells are present in Leaves .Especially Monocot .
2.Hydathodes are Present In margins of Leaf .useful for Guttation .
Perianth is Found in family of Liliaceae .
3.Verticellaster is a inflorescence.
1.Bulliform cells or motor cells are large, bubble-shaped epidermal cells that occur in groups on the upper surface of the leaves of many monocots.
2.These cells are present on the upper surface of the leaf. They are generally present near the mid-vein portion of the leaf and are large, empty and colourless.
3.Hydathode is a plant organ responsible for guttation in vascular plants, i.e. the release of droplets at leaf margin or surface.
4. Because this organ connects the plant vasculature to the external environment, it is also a known entry site for several vascular pathogens.