English, asked by shawal2302, 10 months ago

Where did bipin babu have a long cut Mark?


Answered by komalparkash


⇒Bepin babu has a long cut mark on his knee.


This exert is taken form The story' Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory' which is written by Satyajit Ray.

It's a humorous story about a man, Bepin Choudhury. He's the white knight of the narrative who thinks he's sick. He meets people who tell him about an event which he doesn't flash back at all.

This confuses Bepin a lot because he feels only one memory is missing. He remembers everything well but not what the other gentlemen convince him of. therefore, it's satisfying enough for him that he has gotten a setback of memory.

He tried to figure whether his memory was right or Parimal Ghose by looking at his right knee where Parimal had insisted that there would be a cut. There was clearly a mark of an old cut.

Still Bepin couldn't decide if the cut was the result of his fall in Ranchi or due to some incident in his youth. He determined to query Dinesh Mukherjee, who according to Parimal Ghose was with him in Ranchi. He sensed that inquiring him would put an end to his mystification.

More at the links given below:

Short summary on Bepin Chaudhury lapse of memory


What I found interesting Bepin Choudhury's lapse of memory​


Answered by logaprabhasl


Bipin babu has a long cut mark on his knee.


  • Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory is a humorous story about a man named Bepin Choudhury.
  • The name of the author is Satyajit Ray.
  • He is the main character of the story who thinks he is sick.
  • He meets people who tell him about incidents he doesn't remember at all.
  • Bepin is very confused as he feels he only has one memory.
  • Bepin Choudhary could not remember the reason for the scar.
  • Parimal Gorse told him that he fell on Hadru and cut his right knee.
  • Forgetfulness often puts us in a difficult position. But completely forgetting a part of your life can drive you nuts.
  • In this story, the protagonist suffers from selective amnesia. He is the target of a conspiracy that is at least humorous.


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