English, asked by lakrasonia2006, 30 days ago

where did Montomorency sat and why did he come there ?

Class 9th
chapter - Packing
please give me Revalent answer​


Answered by Aryan170736


Throughout it all, they keep tripping over Montmorency. The dog put his nose into everything,

He came and sat down on things, just when they were wanted to be packed; and he laboured under the fixed belief that, whenever Harris or George reached out their hand for anything, it was his cold, damp nose that they wanted. He put his leg into the jam, and he worried the teaspoons, and he pretended that the lemons were rats, and got into the hamper and killed three of them before Harris could land him with the frying-pan.

Harris said I encouraged him. I didn’t encourage him. A dog like that don’t want any encouragement. It’s the natural, original sin that is born in him that makes him do things like that.

Answered by Abhisheklasur


Heat is the form of energy that is transferred between systems or objects with different temperatures (flowing from the high-temperature system to the low-temperature system). Also referred to as heat energy or thermal energy. Heat is typically measured in Btu, calories or joules

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