Where did the big black bear hide herself
Female black bears can weigh between 100-250 pounds, and males 130-500. These numbers are for fully intact bears, though. I can't seem to find any reliable info on one that's been skinned. I would rather the pelt be of a male bear but if it's unfathomable that the heroine could manage it I'm okay with it being female.
It's late August, the climate in this particular location in the world at this time of year ranging between 24-29 degrees C (75-84 F). Our heroine is an eighteen-year-old demigod who's been training her entire life. There is no time limit--she can take as many breaks as she needs. Should she run into a combat situation, she would remove the hide. How heavy is the pelt, how quickly would one dehydrate themselves / die of heat stroke (assuming she has an unlimited water supply) and how likely is it that she'd survive the 40km walk?