Biology, asked by syedminhaalhusaain24, 4 months ago

Where does fertilisation occur in hunan? Explan
the events that occur during this process.​


Answered by Anonymous


Site of fertilization is ampullary isthmic junction in the fallopian tube of a human female. The fertilized egg called the zygote develops in the fallopian tube for the first three days , then undergoes several divisions and moves into the uterus and is termed as embryo.

Answered by XxitsmrseenuxX


Fertilization in humans occurs at ampullaryisthmic junction of the fallopian tube. Secretions of acrosome of sperms help it to enter the ovum through zona pellucida and plasma membrane. It induces meiosis II to form haploid ovum (ootid). The fusion of sperm and ovum to form zygote is called fertilization.

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