where is International Court of Justice located
International Court of Justice is located in Hague, Netherlands
The International Court of Justice is at the Peace palace in the Hague (Netherlands).
It is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations.
The Court is composed of 15 Judges, who are elected for terms of office of nine years by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council.
Its official languages are English and French.
Current Members of International Court of Justice are:-
1. President - Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf - Somalia
2. Vice President - Xue Hanqin - China
3. Judge - Peter Tomka - Slovakia
4. Judge - Ronny Abraham - France
5. Judge - Mohamed Bennouna - Morocco
6. Judge - Antonio Augusto Cancado Trindade - Brazil
7. Judge - Joan E. Donoghue - United States of America
8. Judge - Giorgio Gaja - Italy
9. Judge - Julia Sebutinde - Uganda
10. Judge - Dalbeer Bhandari - India
11. Judge - Patrick Lipton Robinson - Jamaica
12. Judge - James Richard Crawford - Australia
13. Judge - Kirill Gevorgian - Russian Federation
14. Judge - nawaf Salam - Lebanon
15. Judge - Yuji Iwasawa - Japan
16. Mr. Philippe Couvreur - Belgium
It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands