where the dinosaurs go
When there was asteriod attack on earth in it Dino's past away
Dinosaurs were animals who lived on the Earth 66 million years ago. In 1841 Richard Owen gave these animals a name by combining the Greek Words Deinos meaning terrible and sauros meaning lizards.
They lived during the Mesozoic era classified into the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous period.
So far Tyrannosaurus Rex has been found to be the biggest Dinosaur ever to have lived, but the recent find of Giganotosaurus has puzzled paleontologists. Giganotosaurus has been found to be much bigger than Tyrannosaurus itself. If enough fossils are found it can replace Tyrannosaurus as the king of Dinosaurs.
What might have killed the dinosaurs?
There have been many theories regarding the death of these species. The most likely theory is that an Asteroid wiped out there existence. According to a study, the Asteroid Chicxulub impactor hit Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. which clearly had taken the toll on these species. The asteroid having a diameter of of 11 to 81 kilometres might have caused drastic changes in the climate which the species couldn't handle. Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions etc would have caused the dinosaurs to flee, but unfortunately they couldn't survive. Many other smaller animals had gone into hibernation, or they got adjusted to the climate which made them thrive even after the mass extinction of dinosaurs era.
Are Dinosaurs dead?
Although the Dinosaurs might have gone through extinction they still haven't died. According to Thomas Huxley birds are the evolved Dinosaurs. Coelurosauria is the biggest example. They have feathers developed yet no paleontologist has found out why. Many believed that all of Dinosaurs went extinct except the theropods which evolved into birds.