English, asked by lawrisadf, 1 year ago

Where there is a will there is a way expansion of the idea


Answered by Anonymous


A pupil may think that securing a first in an examination is beyond their reach. An engineer may think that the harnessing of tidal sea waves to run a machine is impractible, a medical researcher may be of the opinion that a particular disease is incurable. But if each one of them makes a firm resolve to achieve this goal and applies themselves wholeheartedly,it is almost certain that SUCCESS will crown his resolute efforts. History oftens bears out the truth of this assertion . There was a time when flying in the air orbiting the earth,traveling in space and sending speech over the air were all considered to be flight of fancy. But today we see these seamingly impossible things have become possible. The aeroplane, the spaceship, the radio ,the television are now realities.

How have these impossibilties been achieved? The answer is clear and simple. By man's supreme willpower ,determination and dedication. The great doer is never a pessimist or a defeatist .He is a staunch optimist confident of ultimate success. Nothing can stop him, daunt him or deflect him from his avowed power.He knows fully well that where there is a will,there is a way. He has the will to win, so he finds out ways and marches through to the ultimate victory.A man of will explores the earth's impassable deserts and impenetrable forests,scales Mount Everest, sails to the North Pole and the South Pole;plumbs to the depth of ocean,conquers space and one by one conquers the forces of nature and dreadful diseases.Nothing is impossible for him; his inventive genius is the crown of creation.

Let us cultivate a strong will, a keen desire and the determination to achieve our ideals for wherever there is a will,there is a way. If there is no way, we need to make one. Victory is bound to be ours.

Anonymous: Amazing :)
Anonymous: Great answer :)
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