Where was Professor Gaitonde going to
and why?
He was visiting Bombay in coma. He met with an accident and went into a coma; during the time he was in coma, his consciousness experienced an experience of British India in which he saw a different Bombay. He also found history to be changed in which India had never ever become slave to the British. He also found that Marathas had defeated the troops of Abdali at Panipat.
The visit to Bombay was Professor Gaitonde’s adventure into different time and space through the door of his altered consciousness. There could have been many reasons behind his visit to Bombay. The first reason could have been meeting with his son Mr. Vinay Gaitonde; the second reason could have been going to the Bombay library to clear certain doubts about historical event of Battle of Panipat.
Professor Gaitonde was in coma and he was going to Mumbai because of his altered consciousness he experienced in his coma state.
He visited the Mumbai of British India in which he saw a completely different Mumbai.
It was his adventure into different time and pace through his altered consciousness.