English, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

where was wealth accumulated in men's decay​


Answered by ajesh55


President Reagan promises vigorously to defend his trillion-dollar budget, which Congress is determined not to accept without a murmur. The contest between the President and Congress is typical of American life today - the battleof the budget.

It is reported that the primary causes of unrest in households of this country are not related to sex but to money. The American dream has become a nightmare.

Even the man who has more money than he needs is restless. He is the money-holic who makes a game out of getting richer, turning everything into gold, like Midas. Making money is the supreme end it itself.

Lee Iacocca, in his recent column in the news, called get-richer-quicker money-holics "corporate raiders." They are the "paper pushers" on Wall Street who do more to polish their image than improve that of American life.

Even the most lowly citizen, destitute, is not innocent of greed. Rare is that household that does not believe life would be more wonderful with more money.

Indeed, there is cause for concern among the lowly. Where there is lengthy sickness in the hospital, or interminable nursing home care, there is reason for financial concern, even among those who once thought they had saved enough for emergencies.

What does all that have to do with religion? Simply this: Jesus said it was not easy for those who trust riches to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:24, King James Version). You cannot serve God and mammon, said Christ, for you will hate the one and love the other, and vice versa. Jesus associated with some wealthy friends whom he did not avoid because they were rich, but he would agree with St. Paul's word to Timothy, saying that love of money was the root of all evil.


Answered by Anonymous



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