Where would you find the prehistoric monument Stonehenge?
Stonehenge is in Wiltshire, England. It is a prehistoric monument and is added to the UNESCO's list of word heritage sites. It consists of large standing stones arranged in a circle. Each stone is about 4 meters high and 2 meters wide. There are many theories regarding it. Some propose it would have been a burial ground in the olden time. Some say it was left behind, by the aliens. But what is its actual purpose? is not clear till today.
stonehenge was the Saxon name for the famous monument on the Salisbury plain, and the “henge” part is Old English for “hang,” not earthwork. Nonetheless, the term henge is in wide use in both popular and scientific literature to refer to megalithic monuments of the Neolithic and Bronze ages
stonehenge is perhaps the world's most famous prehistoric monument. It was built in several stages: the first monument was an early henge monument, built about 5,000 years ago, and the unique stone circle was erected in the late Neolithic period about 2500 BC.
Stonehenge, in many peoples' minds, is the most mysterious place in the world. This set of stones laid out in concentric rings and horseshoe shapes on the empty Salisbury Plain, is, at the age of 4,000 years, one of the oldest, and certainly best preserved, megalithic (ancient stone) structures on Earth.