Whether the women and child welfare programmes/ schemes are sustainable in nature? Whether the beneficiary accountability or ownership has been built.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is one the flagship programmes of the Government. It is a tri-ministerial, convergent effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health & Family Welfare and Human Resource Development with focus on Awareness and Advocacy Campaign; Multi-sectoral action in select 405 districts (low on CSR) and Alert Media & Advocacy outreach in 235 districts; Effective enforcement of Pre-Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PC&PNDT) Act and Enabling girls' education.
The scheme is envisaged to bring an improvement in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) in the short term while Child Sex Ratio (CSR) with manifestation of over-all development such as improved health & nutrition, gender parity in education, better sanitation, opportunities and removal of asymmetries between the genders is endeavored in the long term.
women welfare
One Stop Centre:- Many women who face violent crimes do not know where to go for support. For them, One Stop Centres (OSCs) have been set up across the country. The scheme of One Stop Centres was initiated in March 2015 for facilitating access to an integrated range of services including police, medical, legal, psychological support and temporary shelter to women affected by violence. The Scheme is funded through Nirbhaya Fund.
One Stop Centre:- Many women who face violent crimes do not know where to go for support. For them, One Stop Centres (OSCs) have been set up across the country. The scheme of One Stop Centres was initiated in March 2015 for facilitating access to an integrated range of services including police, medical, legal, psychological support and temporary shelter to women affected by violence. The Scheme is funded through Nirbhaya Fund.OSCs are set being set up in a phased manner in all the districts of the country. The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India has already given approval to State Governments and Union Territory Administrations for setting up of One Stop Centres in all the 718 districts of the country. So far, 279 OSCs have become operational. These centres have offered support to over 1.93 Lakh women.