Whethere one should accept his/her mistakes or not? Justify your answer.
Yet when a mistake is made, people try to pretend that it did not happen. They try to cover it up, justify the wrong situation, and that leads to additional mistakes.
Quite often, more damage is done to relationships, trust and integrity by the actions taken after the original mistake. This is true in personal relationships as also in any other relationship. Most often, people get prosecuted, not for the original crime, but for the attempt to cover it up by lying.
Of course there is a choice when a mistake is made — admit it, learn from it, correct it and apologize to those that were adversely affected. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. That is, there is power in properly admitting a mistake.
Accepting personal responsibility – which is taking ownership of your own behaviour, mistakes and the consequences of that behaviour. Until you accept responsibility for your actions or failures, it will be very difficult for you to develop self-respect or even have the respect of others.
Rather than trying to cover up a mistake, there can be many personal and organizational advantages to properly admitting a mistake. Actually anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Here’s why you should admit a mistake:
Averts the need to continue to defend a difficult or incorrect position.
Increases leadership credibility.
Avoids additional mistakes trying to cover up or ‘adjust’ for the original mistake.
Reduces personal stress and tension.
If you take responsibility for a mistake on behalf of others who participated, it builds loyalty.
A person has two side's of faces in him 1st-----GOOD PERSON
2nd--- AN EVIL
if the person is suffering from his evil face then he never accept his mistakes
whether the person is facing it's good face then he will definitely accept his mistakes . support. [ _mr.anas1 ] instagram I'd