English, asked by katil001, 1 year ago

whic work was considered as polluting by upper caste


Answered by sarfarazsumbul
Who are Dalits?
Caste system
One of the more confusing mysteries of India is its caste system. The caste system, which has existed already for more than 3000 years, has been developed by the Brahmins (priests) in order to maintain their superiority. Eventually, the caste system became formalised into 4 distinct classes (Varnas).

At the top are the Brahmins, the priests and arbiters of what is right and wrong in matters of religion and society. Next come the Kshatriyas, who are soldiers and administrators. The Vaisyas are the artisan and commercial class, and finally, the Sudras are the farmers and the peasant class. These four castes are said to have come from Brahma's mouth (Brahmin), arms (Kshatriyas), thighs (Vaisyas) and feet (Sudras).

Beneath the four main castes is a fifth group, the Scheduled Caste. They literally have no caste. They are the untouchables, the Dalits, which means oppressed, downtrodden and exploited social group.

The Dalits
A Dalit is not considered to be part of the human society, but something, which is beyond that. The Dalits perform the most menial and degrading jobs. Sometimes Dalits perform important jobs, but this is mostly not socially recognised. Dalits are seen as polluting for higher caste people. If a higher caste Hindu is touched by an untouchable or even had a Dalit's shadow across them, they consider themselves to be polluted and have to go through a rigorous series of rituals to be cleansed.

In India there are approximately 240 million Dalits. This means that nearly 25% of the population is Dalit. It also means that in a country, where everybody is supposed to have equal rights and opportunities, 1 out of 4 persons is condemned to be untouchable.

In general one can say that being a Brahmin means that you are more privileged. This can imply having a good education and, accordingly, a more powerful position in the society. Being born as a Dalit you will be less well off and because of less education you will have a less good job. In daily life there are a lot of consequences of being a Dalit.

Dalits are poor, deprived and socially backward. Poor means that they do not have access to enough food, health care, housing and/or clothing (which means that their physiological and safety needs are not fulfilled). They also do not have access to education and employment. With deprived we would like to underline the injustice they face in every days life. Officially, everybody in India has the same rights and duties, but the practice is different. Social backwardness, lack of access to food, education and health care keeps them in bondage of the upper castes.

Nevertheless, in the recent past the Dalit society has also thrown up powerful leaders, like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. He was on of the most powerful personalities to stand for the rights of Dalits.

Source used:
Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong,Principles of Marketing, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, , New Delhi, 1997, page 156.
Communities across the World Discriminated against on the Basis of Caste, or Work and Descent
Caste and analogous systems of social hierarchy operate across the world, particularly in Asia and Africa, subjecting millions to inhuman treatment on the basis of being born into a certain caste or similar social group. Though the communities themselves may be indistinguishable in appearance from others, unlike with race or ethnicity, socio-economic disparities are glaring, as are the peculiar forms of discrimination practised against them. It is approximated that around 250 300 million people across the world suffer from caste, or work and descent based discrimination, a form of discrimination that impinges on their civil, political, religious, socio-economic and cultural rights, and their right to freedom of choice to develop as individuals and as a community with dignity.

Common features seen in caste and analogous systems across the world include the following:
Physical segregation
Social segregation, including prohibition on inter-marriages between caste groups
Assignment of traditional occupations, often being occupations associated with death or filth, coupled with restrictions on occupational mobility
Pervasive debt bondage due to poor remuneration for lower-caste occupations
High levels of illiteracy, poverty and landlessness as compared to so-called higher castes
Impunity for perpetrators of crimes against low-caste communities
Use of degrading language to describe low-caste communities, based on notions of purity and pollution, filth and cleanliness
Double or triple discrimination against and exploitation of women of low castes on the basis of sex, class and caste.
Answered by kshitijthehelper


i dont know



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