Which 5 vows were preached by mahavir sawmi.
Lord Mahavira taught five vows of Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing physically as well as ideologically), Brahmacharya (celibacy) & Aparigraha (non-attachment) to his followers to spread the message of spiritual liberation to attain Nirvana
Jain temples across the world are beautifully adorned and Abhisheka or ceremonial bath is offered to Lord Mahavira’s idol. Rath Yatra or chariot processions of Lord Vardhamāna Mahavira are carried out comprising of large groups of followers chanting prayers from Jain scriptures with great fervor; followed by sermons and congregations to commemorate the teachings of one of the world’s foremost teachers of non-violence and simple living.
Lord Mahavira taught five vows of Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing physically as well as ideologically), Brahmacharya (celibacy) & Aparigraha (non-attachment) to his followers to spread the message of spiritual liberation to attain Nirvana.