Which agriculture tool would you choose to sow seeds in the field?
Seed drills are pulled behind tractors to cover large fields. But the traditional hand tool used for sowing seeds is a hoe. A hoe is a flat metal blade at the end of a wooden pole that a farmer can use to till the soil and then redistribute the soil to cover the seed after sowing
Seed Drill
This is used for sowing seeds. This is done with the help of tractors. It makes sure that the seeds are sown at equal distances and depths and are covered with the soil. This allows plants to receive sufficient sunlight, nutrients, and water from the soil. This saves labour, time and protects the seeds from being eaten by birds or other animals.
✯What are Agricultural Implements?
Agricultural implements are tools which are required to carry out agricultural practices. There are a number of agricultural implements used in today’s farming activities. In general, these implements are of five major types.
✯Types of Agricultural Implements
Following are the different types of agricultural implements used by the farmers to facilitate easy production of crops:
☆Irrigation Machinery
It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. It helps in the watering of crops at appropriate levels.
☆Soil Cultivation Implements
These are used to plough the soil and prepare it for cultivation. For eg., disk harrows, spike, drag, etc.
☆Planting Machines
These are used to plant the seeds and saplings over a large land area after the cultivation of soil. This is achieved using broadcast seeders, precision drills, air seeders, seed drills, transplanting equipment, etc.
☆Harvesting Implements
These implements are used to harvest the matured crops. For eg., trailers, diggers, pickers, etc.
✯Agricultural Tools
Agricultural tools such as sickle, plough, hoe, drills, etc. are implemented in agricultural activities to make the process more productive and efficient. There are a large number of agricultural tools used by the farmers for cultivation.
- It is usually derived from wood and is pulled by two bulls. It has been used since ancient times for tiling, turning the soil and adding fertilizers. It consists of a long wooden log called ploughshaft. It has a strong triangular iron strip known as a ploughshare.
- Hoe has been used since ancient times for cultivation purposes. It consists of a long rod of wood and is pulled by the animals. It is pulled by the animals and is used for loosening the soil and removing weeds. It has a strong, broad, bent plate of iron which works as a blade.
- A plough attached to a tractor is called a cultivator. This reduces labour and saves time. It stirs the soil around the maturing crop to promote growth and destroy weeds.
☆Seed Drill
- This is used for sowing seeds. This is done with the help of tractors. It makes sure that the seeds are sown at equal distances and depths and are covered with the soil.
☆Traditional Tool
- The traditional tool for sowing seeds is shaped like a funnel. The funnel is filled with seeds. The seeds are passed through two or three pipes with sharp ends.
✯Crop Production and Management Methods
The major agricultural practices involved in crop production and management are listed below:
- Preparation of Soil
- Sowing of Seeds
- Addition of Manure and Fertilizers
- Irrigation
- Protection from Weeds
- Harvesting
- Storage
☆Preparation of Soil
The soil is loosened and tilted before the seeds are sown. Ploughs are used for the purpose. If the soil contains big lumps, they are broken with the help of a hoe.
☆Sowing of Seeds
The good quality, infection-free seeds are collected and sown on the prepared land. The seeds should be sown at proper depths and proper distances. Following are the various methods used to sow the seeds:
- Traditional techniques
- Broadcasting
- Dibbling
- Drilling
- Seed dropping behind the plough
- Transplanting
- Hill dropping
- Check row planting
☆Addition Of Manures And Fertilizers
The soil may not have the right nutrients to efficiently sustain plant growth. Hence, manures and fertilizers are added to the soil to increase its fertility and help plants grow better. Manure is prepared by using decomposing plant and animal matter in compost pits. Fertilizers, on the other hand, are chemicals prepared in factories which contain nutrients for a specific plant. They give faster results than manures. However, when excessively used, they turn the soil infertile.
Crops require water at regular intervals for proper growth. The supply of water to the plants is known as irrigation. Well, rivers, lakes, tube-wells are different sources for irrigation. The traditional methods of agriculture involve the use of humans and animals. The various traditional ways are moats, chain-pump, dhekli, rahat.
☆Protection from Weeds
The undesirable plants that grow along with the crops are called weeds. These weeds, feed on the nutrients provided to the crops and thus reduce the supply of nutrients to the crops, thereby, inhibiting their growth. The growth of these weeds needs to be prevented in order to enhance the growth of the plants.
Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields.
"Storage" means the phase of the post-harvest system .