Which air flight site is the lowest
Follow the abovementioned process and you will find a list of airlines with the lowest rates. Being a highly popular route, you will find SpiceJet, GoAir, Air India and AirAsia airlines offering the lowest airfares. Another way to find the cheapest airline is by booking a week or a month ahead of travel.
With increasing popularity of online flight booking,there are several websites,generally known for providing low airfares.However,which website will provide the lowest depends on the fluctuation of airfares and the ticketing software used by these sites.
Some of the most popular websites around the world claiming to provide the cheapest airfares include Travelocity,Expedia,Trip Advisor,Skyscanner,Bookit,Kayak,Google flight,Momondo and so forth.These websites basically use advanced ticket tracking system so that any available cheap ticket offered by any airlines would be tracked and displayed on their website.Note that Travelocity is now owned by Expedia so whatever rate is displayed by Expedia is displayed by Travelocity as well.Usually these website show itineraries with multiple stops and layovers and direct flights generally have higher rates due to their low flight timings.Any fluctuations in airfares are also registered in the tracking system of these websites and are quickly updated on their mobile apps and websites.Many of these websites provide special discounts and sale on certain number of airfares booked by the customers and booking through their mobile apps.