Which amendment accorded statutory status to the commission for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes?
The constitution makes provisions for the promotion of educational and economic interests among the weaker sections of the society, particularly those belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and to protect them against social injustice and all forms of exploitation.
In the constitution, certain provisions have also been made to protect and enforce the interests and rights of the scheduled tribes in different areas so as to enable them to join the main mainstream of the nation.
(i) 50 per cent of casual workers in urban areas are below poverty line. About 50 per cent of landless agricultural workers and 43 per cent of scheduled caste are also poor.
(ii) The double disadvantage of being a landless casual wage labour household in the socially disadvantaged social groups of the scheduled caste or the scheduled tribe population highlights the seriousness of the problem.
(iii) Some recent studies have shown that except for scheduled tribe households all the other three groups that is, scheduled caste, rural agricultural labour and the urban casual labour have seen a decline in poverty.