Biology, asked by birhangsubba55, 10 months ago

Which animal lives for 1000 years?​


Answered by varunvbhat26


No animal lives for 1000 years.

The longest living mammals are Bowhead whales who can live for 200 years. The oldest recorded individual was 211 years of age.

Ocean quahogs can live for at least 200 years. One specimen called "Ming" was estimated to live up to 507 years in the wild.

Also, Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish is biologically immortal. However, these jellyfishes can still die if they get eaten by a fish or a disease strikes them.

Note - Scientists estimate an individual deep sea sponge belonging to the species Monorhaphis chuni has lived at least 11,000 years, according to a study in the journal Aging Research Reviews.

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